I’m Cheryl McMillan

owner + founder

My passion is creating a home that feels like you–beautiful, special, unique. 

A note from CHERYL

“I remember being eight and rearranging the furniture in my bedroom again and again and again. Bed under the window. No, the desk under the window. The chest of drawers angled in a corner. It took hours--I was small, after all--of pushing and shoving, but I was determined and passionate about getting the look right.

I still am.

Interior design is a passion that has lived with me for as long as I can remember. I have helped so many people restyle their homes, I have lost count.

The design I specialize in isn’t about throwing everything out and starting over. It’s about using the pieces my clients already own and are comfortable with. It’s about creating a space that is beautiful, but still feels like home.

Then, I discovered how to connect my skills of organization and design with providing a much-needed service for seniors.

When my parents decided to move from their three-bedroom home into a retirement village, none of us anticipated how difficult that process would be. What ensued was months of work, sorting through cherished heirlooms that would no longer have a place, cabinets filled with dishes and pans, chests, bookcases, linen closets, and even the art on the walls. The process was as emotional as it was tedious--these possessions had lived with them for most of their lives.

I relied on my design experience to know what should go with them, and what they needed to let go of. I knew how to arrange the new space so it felt fresh, but still familiar. When I was done, they had more than a generic apartment. They had a home.

As I talked with other seniors and their families, I discovered that for them, too, the challenges of downsizing and moving were overwhelming and stressful. I knew I could play a part in helping to make that transition easy, even exciting.

The Downsized Home was born.”

— Cheryl McMillan