Styling bookshelves

You may have noticed that some bookshelves look elegant and pulled together, while others look like a jumbled hot mess. Why? It’s all about tone.

Layering books with decorative items on shelves is a terrific idea, but it has to be done thoughtfully and with a willingness to edit.

Take a look at these shelves. They work because there is harmony among the accessories. The old books blend beautifully with the antique truck, the old boxes, the old-world bookends, and, of course, the napping cat.

If you want to embrace a kind of eclectic variety in your shelves, you can do it–but be intentional about it. These shelves house very different pieces–some old, some new, some colorful, some not–but they work because that was the intention behind them. Notice how the items are placed. Old and new, colorful and subtle stagger across each of the shelves. If you don’t group all like items together, your eye travels more easily across the shelves.

Here’s a tip: before you begin styling your shelves, put out everything you plan to use. Group like items together. If anything stands out, don’t use it. You’re looking for harmony, so each item should sing at the same pitch. 

And here are some don’ts:

Don’t feel like every shelf must be covered with stuff. There is real beauty in empty space that highlights one remarkable piece.

Don’t try to put all your old books together and all your paperbacks together. Instead, make small groupings of each that you disperse throughout the shelves.

Don’t think styling bookshelves is a one and done process. If you’re still moving things around a month after you first get started, then congratulations!  You’re doing it right!


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